Since the start of the war in Ukraine, alongside many professionals in Canada and worldwide, we have been working on supporting mental health of people impacted by the crisis. Horizon’s founder, Alexandra Froese, M.Ed., R. Psych. has initiated and contributed to several projects aimed at evidence-based and compassionate care in the conditions of limited resources. Below you can see the main directions of our work and access a website with free counselling and self-help resources.
Mental Health Resources
The volunteer group Spilna Mova (Common Language) prepared a number of mental health materials to aid the delivery of evidence-based treatment services to people of Ukrainian background.
The group translated and/or adapted materials prepared by the following organizations and professionals:
Center for Clinical Interventions
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Resources Getselfhelp
The Center for Prolonged Grief
Positive Psychology
Therapist Aid
Dr. Kristin Neff’s website
Additionally, some free counselling and self-help materials were created. For instance, you can access the “Finding your balance” workbook for adults. You can find all of the resources through the group’s website in English or in Ukrainian using the links below.
Support for Mental Health Professionals in Ukraine
We have been supporting individual mental health professionals and organizations in Ukraine in responding to mental health needs of people impacted by the war in Ukraine. The support has included consultations and debriefing, sharing and adaptation of evidence-based materials, and coordination of relevant training.
Collaborative efforts
We have been working collaboratively with many other Canadian projects and initiatives responding to the war in Ukraine and facilitating supports for those impacted by this crisis. Our hope is that sharing of resources, ideas and knowledge will move beyond the current crisis, towards advancement of mental health services and collaboration among professionals nationally.
We are also working in partnership with the “Languages of Care” and Dr. Sander Koyfman to offer more evidence-based materials in Ukrainian to public and professionals.
If you are interested in accessing recourses of have any questions, you can contact Alexandra Froese at [email protected]